Dearest Anton,
Last night, we had a great conversation. It will be one of my most memorable times with you.
You know why? My deepest desire, as perhaps, every father's, is to be able to share with you my thoughts on life and living. I think I did just that last night.Let me recreate them. I cannot promise, though, that I can still be as eloquent as I think I was because, happily, these are not contrived. These come straight from the heart.
First, I did not become a father to make your life miserable. I want nothing but the best for you. So, even as you want to please me sometimes (You said, all the time), I urge you not to. I will be happier that you do things well, rather than you do them for me.
Part of doing well is deciding intelligently. This you can do when you are able to see the different sides of a coin; when you understand the consequences of what you do. I take pains to explain things to you, not to make you decide one way or the other, but to make you decide wisely.
The last thing I would want to do is to make a puppet out of you by making your decisions for you. If I were to spare you from learning how to decide for yourself, I would reduce you to less than nothing of what you can be. You will never be able to stand on your own.
Then, I will also be a dismal failure.
The equation is really very simple: your achievements are proudly yours because they are the result of your own decisions.
Your achievements are likewise mine because I shall have done my part in making a good man out of you.
Love you, man.